Thursday, August 2, 2007

Stock up on Fruits and Vegetables for Fall/Winter and Save Money On Organics

Fall/Winter is coming near and of course fruit and vegetable prices are either going to hike up or the variety will become limited. You may want to consider storing, canning or freezing some of your fruits and vegetables for the fall/winter season. A great way to eat organic year round!

Ask your food delivery service or local grocery store if you can order case lots of different vegetables and fruits to store. End of summer is a great time to buy fruits and vegetables as farmers are trying to rid their stock and so are stores. Fruit and vegetable seconds can be used for jams, sauces and more. Make sure you ask your local grocer and food delivery service which fruits and vegetables store well. Fruits and vegetables should be stored in dry boxes in cool places for storage.

Happy Eating!

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